Here are a few COVID-19 updates related to New York State. New York Safety Precautions Effective immediately, employees working at an essential business must wear a face covering when coming in contact with the public or a customer. New York Health Provider Immunity Effective immediately, the Emergency Disaster Treatment Protection Act provides immunity to hospitals, nursing homes, physicians and nurses and other health care providers as they are responding to the COVID-19 emergency in good faith and in accordance with state law and rules. The Act will remain in effect for the duration of the state’s public health crisis. New York Unemployment Insurance Effective immediately, The New York State Department of Labor has launched a new application for traditional unemployment insurance as well as the new Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. The updated unemployment benefits application system, available here. New York Presidential Primary The State of New York has canceled its June 23, 2020 Democratic Presidential primary If you need assistance or have any questions please contact us.