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March 21, 2023

Medicare Special Enrollment Periods

IS TO LATE TO MAKE A CHANGE?   Medicare Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs) are designated periods of time during which individuals who are enrolled in Medicare may make changes to their coverage outside of the normal enrollment periods.  SEPs are designed to provide individuals with flexibility and an opportunity to make changes to their coverage […]
February 24, 2022

Avoid COVID Scams

It is important to read the GoodRx privacy policy, just updated on September 15th, 2021. As consumers, it is important to be educated and know what you are agreeing to, before checking the little box that says, I agree. Below is a link to GoodRx’s privacy policy. Information You Provide to GoodRx may include: […]
April 6, 2021

Medicare 101 Educational Seminar

YOU’RE INVITED TO A MEDICARE 101 EDUCATIONAL ZOOM WEBINAR   Do you have questions about Medicare? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the many TV ads or postcards piling up in your mailbox? If the answer is yes…..Please join Michael King for a Medicare 101 Educational Zoom Webinar, hosted by Century Benefits Group.  He will cover […]
May 8, 2020

CMS released new enrollment flexibility – (SEP) is relevant to COVID-19

We are an essential business and are open to help meet your healthcare needs. We continue to offer Medicare and Part D Rx plans. Since social distancing has effected how people meet, we are available to to speak to you by phone and mail out the information to the interested individuals. We can also meet […]
May 6, 2020

Special Election Period for COVID 19

  SEP Notice!   2020 Compliance Communication SEP Notice for Individuals Affected by Covid-19 CMS has officially announced an SEP is available for individuals affected by COVID-19. This SEP is available nationwide to residents of all states, tribes, territories, and the District of Columbia. The SEP can be used until June 30, 2020 under the […]
April 30, 2020


    Here are a few COVID-19 updates related to New York State. New York Safety Precautions Effective immediately, employees working at an essential business must wear a face covering when coming in contact with the public or a customer. New York Health Provider Immunity Effective immediately, the Emergency Disaster Treatment Protection Act provides immunity […]
April 30, 2020

What Is Surprise Medical Billing

    What is surprise medical billing? Surprise billing or unanticipated billing are terms being used to describe circumstances when a patient receives services from an out-of-network provider, at an in-network facility and is billed for those services. Surprise bills can be very costly for patients. For example, a patient goes into an emergency room at an in-network hospital […]
April 16, 2020

COVID – 19 How are my Employee Benefits Effected If You Get Furloughed or Laid off

  If your furloughed, you remain an employee with the company and can return to your job when the company decides to reopen, however, you are not getting paid. It’s essentially a temporary, unpaid leave of absence. Most states, including NYS, allows furloughed employees to apply for unemployment insurance. Your employer is still allowed to maintain your […]
April 16, 2020

What You Need To Know About COVID-19 And Ways to Cope

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) How to Protect Yourself & Others The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, […]
May 6, 2019

Finding Health Insurance Before Medicare Kicks In

Savvy Senior: Finding health insurance before Medicare kicks in Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. (Savvy Senior) Jim Miller Correspondent I will be retiring in a few months and need to get some health insurance for my wife and me until we can enroll in Medicare. […]

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